Ich entwickle gerade als Studienarbeit ein WordPress Plugin und stoße da täglich auf neue Fragen, wie ich etwas löse. Das Internet ist zwar oft sehr hilfreich, aber gestern bin ich auf ein Problem gestoßen, worauf es eine Lösung gibt, aber anscheinend keine Anleitung, wie man das macht. Deshalb möchte ich euch kurz mal sagen, wie …
Kategorie-Archive: Technik
Alfred Workflow: Save to Pocket
I love Alfred and it is my daily companion to speed things up and Pocket is my favorite tool to save stuff for later. So how can I connect these two tools? The answer was just one duckduckgo search away: Pocket Worflow for Alfred (GitHub | Download). Usually I use Pocket’s bookmarklet to save article to …
Open new Chrome window using Alfred
To browse the web I usually use Chrome and so I often have several open windows with a lot of tabs open at the same time. I use different windows to sort my tabs in some kind of way to don’t lose track where my tabs are. Therefore I need to open new chrome windows …
Speedtest.net for your Terminal with tespeed
Introduction In the last few days I had some trouble with my internet connection at home. Our walls are really thick and the w-lan router is approximately 15m away and if all doors are close my MBP rarely sends packages through the internet. I could play lottery with my ping log – it’s so randomly. …
Number System Converter – NSC Alfred Extension
Update 09.05.2013: NSC is now available in Version v2.1. It is now an Alfred Workflow and compatible with Alfred 2. The best new feature is probably the live result. Have a look at GitHub for detailed information. Update 03.01.2013: NSC is now available at GitHub and all recent updates can be found there. If you want …
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