Number System Converter – NSC Alfred Extension

Update 09.05.2013: NSC is now available in Version v2.1. It is now an Alfred Workflow and compatible with Alfred 2. The best new feature is probably the live result. Have a look at GitHub for detailed information.

Update 03.01.2013: NSC is now available at GitHub and all recent updates can be found there. If you want to get the latest version of NSC download it form GitHub and if you have a good idea fork it or leave a comment 🙂 Thx

I’m a big fan of Alfred. This „little“ tool does a great job during my daily work. As computer scientist I have to deal with different number system. Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal are the most common ones, but actually I have to know how to convert any number into any number system.

In lecture I already learned the algorithm, which is actually not very hard. But it is time expensive. There I thought to build a convert as script and use it with Alfred. The Powerpack does allow me to use and build extensions and this is a great feature.

In Alfred’s extension library is an Hex Converter listed, but sadly the link is broken and I couldn’t find the extension.

But now let’s dive into my little script. I use PHP to convert numbers and the converted number will be copied into the paste-board (clipboard).

This is version 1.0 and it can convert binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers so far. Octal numbers will be supported soon. I also have more ideas in my head. So stay tune. If you have a feature request drop a comment.

The syntax is really simple:


  • <source> is the current number system of your number
    • possible parameter:
    • b: binary
    • d: decimal
    • h: hex
  • <destination> is the number system you want your number convert to
    • possible parameter:
    • b: binary
    • d: decimal
    • h: hex
  • <number> … ok I think you know what that is 😉

Download NSC extension.

Veröffentlicht von Hans-Helge

Der studierte Informatiker arbeitet als Entwickler und Trainer bei ChurchTools und betreut neben eigenen Projekten einige andere Webseiten u.A. im ehrenamtlichen Bereich.

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