I love Alfred and it is my daily companion to speed things up and Pocket is my favorite tool to save stuff for later. So how can I connect these two tools? The answer was just one duckduckgo search away: Pocket Worflow for Alfred (GitHub | Download).
Usually I use Pocket’s bookmarklet to save article to pocket but there are two things about it I don’t like:
- Some sites cannot be saved with it; e.g. youtube sites
- I have to use the mouse the navigate to it and click it …
So how could these problems be solved? With an Alfred Workflow, and Pocket Workflow does exactly what I was looking for. I can save URLs to Pocket using Alfred. Thx to Alex Wolkov for building it!
The Workflow detects either the URL from Chrome, Safari or from clipboard and sends it to my Pocket Account using an oAuth 2.0 connection.
There is only one thing I changed: I didn’t like the keyword it uses for saving. I changed it form „pocket_save“ to „stp“ (Save to Pocket). This works better for me 🙂